Forest school Zichovec

The idea of this project is to respect the current characteristics of the plot - its topography and dominant features in the form of both forests. The mass of the building is therefore meant that emerges from the big forest and becomes its extended projection. The other end of the building is then at a small grove of trees on the other side of the parcel. Building in the longitudinal direction follows progress of terrain elevation.
The project consists of one main building which is in addition to the garage / workshop located on a single floor. The layout is based on the idea of ​​dividing the building into two units, each of which is used in another manner. There is the part designed for teaching and part for accommodation.
The building is trying to fully respond to the orientation of the compass. On the south-eastern facade find classrooms, hall, dining room and bedrooms. On the northern facade you will find a corridor that passes through the object throughout its length.
The building is designed as a low-energy. Of course there is, thus achieving a grade A in the classification of the thermal envelope of the building, which provides a superior level of insulation of building - usually well above the recommended values ​​for passive houses. The average heat transfer coefficient of building envelope Uem = 0.119 W / m2K. The building also has a walkable green roof which in the summer helps to keep the subject from overheating. The entire roof area is also used for collecting rainwater. Per year is anticipated volume of 157 cubic meters of water captured.
On the cover of the building is located a total of 92 square meters of photovoltaic panels, which should theoretically cover the entire half of the electricity consumption of the building.

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